Identity Theft is again the Number One complaint to the Federal Trade Commission. More than one in five US adults have been a victim of an Account Takeover Attack. It’s not a matter of “IF” but “WHEN” you’ll become a victim.
Our Personal Information has NEVER been more at risk !
At ID Resolution we provide a comprehensive suite of products to support both business and the consumer in managing and protecting against identity fraud.
Our typical clients include Employee Benefit Companies, Affinity Groups, Unions, Trade Associations, Insurance Companies, Educational Institutions, Medical Groups…..the list goes on. In fact, any large group in any industry sector that is looking to embed a very affordable Identity Theft mitigation service within their offering.
ID Resolution, your partner in Identity Theft and Identity Management solutions.

But First…
For those of you who may still feel Identity Theft is a minor inconvenience or maybe not even a “real” problem, take a look at this video of an actual identity fraud scam in real time. The context is a “Rebate Scheme” where the fraudster, with his victim on the phone, gets access to her computer and then proceeds to defraud her.
It’s not pretty.

So Why Choose Us?
Service, Service, Service!!!
Here at ID Resolution, we understand the fear, stress and bewilderment that happens when our identity is compromised. Where do I go? Who do I call? Is there a financial or credit impact? Are my medical records at risk?
We pride ourselves on the personalized service we offer to our clients. No foreign call centers. No DIY cut and paste self restoration kits. If you have our service and become a victim, your personal fraud advocate is just a call away, ready to assist you from the beginning to the end of your identity issue. You don’t even have to be a victim. Got a question about protecting your kids and ensuring the credit bureaus know that they are minors? Call us, we have the answers, we’ll deal with it.
Here are a couple of testimonials from victims who utilized our services….
“I am writing concerning one of your fraud advocates who has been exceptionally responsive and helpful in dealing with our ID Fraud issues. Recently she spent an hour and a half on the phone with my credit card company and myself resolving an issue that if not solved would have prevented me from leasing a car that was due to be signed for on the next day. Every interaction with her has been characterized by efficiency courtesy and cheerfulness.“
J. H. Einstein
“Our Client was unable to file taxes electronically. You guys contacted the electronic filer and the IRS where it was determined that someone else did file and obtain a refund under our client’s Social Security Number. Your help in completing all appropriate paperwork including the affidavit of fraud for the IRS and assisting in contacting the IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit was invaluable. This is a complicated process and our client wants to pass on their thanks!”
One Beacon Insurance Services
Our Identity Management and Protection Products.
Our two most popular products provide cost effective solutions when you’re seeking a robust answer to the threat and impact of Identity Fraud. Can’t see the solution you need? Call us and we’ll discuss your groups specific requirements.

WRAP™ for Groups
WRAP™ Is a group based program offering assistance to those members who have had their personal information fraudulently used by identity thieves.
So who are typical purchasers of the WRAP™? Employee Benefit Companies, Affinity Groups, Unions, Trade Associations, Insurance Companies, Educational Institutions, Medical Groups…..the list goes on. In fact, any large group in any industry sector that is looking to embed a very affordable Identity Theft service within their offering.
To learn more about the WRAP™ click on the button!
Useful Stuff…Check out our latest Infographics and Guides